Friday, May 22, 2020

The Human Brain Is Responsible For Operating Every Aspect...

The human brain is an organ that is responsible for operating every aspect of our body, and one of those aspects is learning. This vital organ is part of our central nervous system and has three parts to it; the brainstem, the cerebellum, and the cerebrum. The part most responsible for learning is the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and because of this it has the ability to gather information, process and understand the information, and convert it to memory. The cerebrum is often times referred to as the â€Å"little brain† and is also responsible for higher level thinking and learning. Within the cerebrum there are four lobes that control a specific behavior or function. The two lobes primarily associated with learning are the frontal lobe and temporal lobe in association with the hippocampus. In addition to the individual lobes, it is important to know that the cells of the nervous system are called neurons. On one end of a neuron there is a dendrite which is responsible for retrieving information from another neuron. At the other end is an axon terminal, which sends information to another nerve cell through a synapse that is formed. These synapses cause neural pathways to occur. Early neural pathways in the brain are found to set the foundation for learning in one’s life. These pathways continue to grow and form throughout a person’s life and allow one to have lifelong learning. Neural pathways connect and communicate with different parts of the bodyShow MoreRelatedNeuroscience Of The Nervous System1569 Words   |  7 PagesNeuroscience, commonly referred to as Neural Science, is the study of the way the nervous system develops, how it is structured and the functions of it. Scientists put emphasis on the brain and the impact it has on behavior and cogniti ve functions. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Analysis Of Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis Essay

In her autobiographical comic Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi, within the first five pages of the book, tells the reader that she was born with religion. She immediately explains (in regards to the Islamic practice of veiling) that â€Å"I really didn’t know what to think about the veil. Deep down I was very religious but as a family we were very modern and avant-garde† (Persepolis, 2003, pg. 6). For western feminists, this ambivalence towards the veil has been a common topic of discourse. In secularized western countries, the veil is often viewed as a symbol of patriarchal oppression. In France (where Satrapi currently lives), for example, there have been numerous laws banning different forms of the veil (such as the burka and the niqab) with many critics, such as former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, arguing that they are â€Å"oppressive† and â€Å"not welcome† in France (â€Å"The Islamic veil across Europe,† 2014, pg. 1). This is the western vie w of the veil, but what do Muslim women think of the veil and the fundamentalist values that westerners often associate with it? For Satrapi, the Islamic faith was a source of comfort for her when she was a child. In fact, she was so enraptured by her faith that she told her school teacher she wanted to be a prophet when she grew up (Persepolis, 2003, pg. 8). However, this sentiment quickly changes when her uncle Anoosh is executed as a result of the Iranian revolution. She confronts God and shouts â€Å"Shut up you! Get out of my life! I never want toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis 1425 Words   |  6 Pagesto childhood. Political socialization, the process by which an individual attains their political attitudes and values, argues that a number of agents, primarily family influences ideological development (Burnham). In Marjane Satrapi’s graphic autobiographical novel Persepolis, Satrapi affirms the notions of political socialization, specificall y the importance of family as the primary agent of socialization, through her depiction of growing up during the Islamic Revolution and the infancy of the IslamicRead MoreAnalysis Of Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis1264 Words   |  6 Pagessociety, ideas of violent loss and laying down your life for your country seem distant, an army’s world. During the Iranian revolution, loss and suffering were weaved into the fabric of their lives. To know Iran was to know war. In Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel Persepolis, she argues that Marji’s developing views on death and martyrdom serve to personalize our perspective on war. From the beginning of her story, Marji is suspended in limbo between two clashing ideological worlds. She is educatedRead MoreAnalysis Of Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis Essay1300 Words   |  6 Pagesare not the villains the media shows. There are people in Iran that believe we have irrational thoughts about their country, and believe their country is not what we think it is. In Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi discusses life in Iran because she wants people to know that there are good people living in it. Satrapi feels her entire nation should not be viewed solely on the fact of its past extreme actions. She feels like since she was a child other countries deem the whole Iranian population as terroristsRead MoreAnalysis Of Marjane Satrapi s Book Persepolis1239 Words   |  5 Pagesyou are sent to war. In today’s society, ideas of violent loss and trading life for country seem like issues in an army’s world. During the Iranian revolution, loss and suffering were woven into the fabric of all Iranian lives. In Marjane Satrapi’s graphic memoir Persepolis, she argues that Marji’s developing views on death and martyrdom serve to personalize our perspective of war. From the beginning of her story, Marji is suspended in limbo between two clashing ideological worlds. Akin to many elementaryRead MoreAnalysis Of Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis And Ta Nehisi Coates Between The World And Me1878 Words   |  8 PagesAs such, our reality is a collection of subjective truths woven together like a collage, that ultimately represents what we consider to be true. This theme of a subjective reality is conveyed in both the major motion picture version of Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis and Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me. Moreover, following the argument that there can be more than a single â€Å"truth,† what should concern the individual shouldn’t be obeying an truth proposed to be objective, but rather adheringRead MoreThe Danger and Negativity of Misconceptions855 Words   |  4 Pagesbe formed about topics such as race, gender, politics, and culture. The results of minor misconceptions could be harmless. However, mi sconceptions can be dangerous when they are major or widespread. After performing a subject analysis on A Lesson Before Dying, Persepolis, and â€Å"Exploring the Negative Consequences of Stereotyping†; I conclude that when an individual person or party is subjected to a misconception, they will react negatively. Stereotypes are one form of misconceptions. A stereotypeRead MoreEssay about Persepolis1136 Words   |  5 PagesToward the end of the novel, Marjane says about people’s fear of the Islamic Commission, â€Å"It’s only natural! When we’re afraid, we lose all sense of analysis and reflection. Our fear paralyzes us. Besides fear has always been the driving force behind all dictators’ repression.† How do Marjane and her compatriots deal with fear and their daily lives? To what extent do you see fear as a controlling factor in your own country’s public life? The new Islamic republic regime was beginning to spread inRead MoreMemories And The Formation Of Reality1666 Words   |  7 Pagesor false memories, and can result in of misconceptions of reality. This paper looks at two live-action films: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) and The Big Fish (2003) and two animated feature length films: Waltz of Bashir (2008) and Persepolis (2007) and one short animated film: Tale of Tales (1979). The purpose is to analyze how memory is represented in film and animation and examining how imagination does not distort the memory through animation but embellish it. To begin, Eternal SunshineRead MoreMemories And The Formation Of Reality1688 Words   |  7 Pagesfalse memories, and can result in of misconceptions about reality. This paper is looking to two live-action films: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) and The Big Fish (2003) and two animated feature length films: Waltz of Bashir (2008) and Persepolis (2007) and one short animated film: Tale of Tales (1979). The purpose is to analyze how memory is represent in film and animation, and discover how imagination does not distort the memory and how is it represented in animation. To begin, EternalRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words   |  30 Pagesnovel is sometimes used interchangeably with Bildungsroman, but its use is usually wider and less technical. The birth of the Bildungsroman is normally dated to the publication of Wilhelm Meister s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1795–96,[8] or, sometimes, to Christoph Martin Wieland s Geschichte des Agathon of 1767.[9] Although the Bildungsroman arose in Germany, it has had extensive influence first in Europe and later throughout the world. Thomas Carlyle translated Goethe’s novel

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Competition in the Golf Equipment Industry Free Essays

1. Discuss the trends in the golf equipment industry and how it may impact a company’s strategy. Ans: According to new the United States Golf Association (USGA), Golf equipment manufacturers are forced to launch the equipment within the limitation. We will write a custom essay sample on Competition in the Golf Equipment Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, the product differentiation is not quite high while recreational golfers do not enjoy playing due to lack of innovational equipment. Also, the USGA states that there are various factors that result in the declining of golfers such as: Game difficulty: Golf equipment manufacturers are forced to follow the new USGA rules, thus, recreational golfers are suffered from the limitation of golf equipments. They cannot enjoy playing golf as much as before while new golfers face the difficulty of playing. – Time consuming for practice: According to the limited innovation of golf equipment, golfers need lots of time to practice while they also have take responsibility to their job and spend time with their families. – High golf fee: Some golfers realize that golf fee is high, as a result, they  cannot practice frequently. . Discuss the importance of innovation, brand, performance, and price in the golf equipment industry. Ans: Good reputation and image can lead to br and loyalty. That’s why many brands use lots of advertising expenditure to promote their brands. As the leading sports brand in the world, Nike has a clear marketing advantage over its competitors. Nike spends some of their annual revenues on advertising to build strong brands by using celebrity endorsements aim to grow the market share in the golf segment. Golf product brand equity depends on the performance of its endorsed players. The performances of the professional golfers sponsored by each brand strongly relates to sales. Innovation in the golf industry is an important part of equipment adoption. Because of the fleeting life span of golf clubs, adoption of new drivers and putters is critical to any golf equipment manufacturer’s strategy. Performance in golf equipment is closely tied to PGA professionals and well known amateurs who use certain clubs and brands to help promote the value of the equipment. Counterfeit golf equipment has continued to impact pricing of golf equipment by being sold worldwide which s a threat to the golf industry because the counterfeits can be sold much less than the originals. Callaway’s strength has been its line of Big Bertha drivers and the acquisition of the Top-Flite Golf company which allowed Callaway to manufacturer popular golf ball equipment. The weakness has been the golf club business which has lost money according to third quarter reporting. The financia l report shows a 28% of net sales in the third quarter of 2010 as compared to 31% of net sales in 2009 third quarter. TaylorMade’s strength has been its improvement to the drivers namely the r5 and r7 series which supplanted Callaway’s Big Bertha as the driver of choice for many golfers. The weakness of TaylorMade Golf has been in putters, irons and golf balls. Never really gaining in these fields over Callaway, much of this business was sold or minimized. Titleist’s strength is its golf ball market share. Its weakness has been its golf club line which has been targeted to elite golfers, though not adopted widely by many golfers. Ping Golf’s strength has been in the iron segment in 2008. Its weakness has been poor wedge sales  (Strickland III, Thompson, Gamble, 2010, pp. C-95 – C-96). Nike’s strength is the marketability of its primary endorsement, Tiger Woods, along with its popular golf ball line. Its weakness has been a quality issue with product that was sold at less than suggested retail due to this issue. 3. Identify the strengths and weakness of Callaway, TaylorMade, Titleist, Ping, and Nike. Determine which company has a competitive advantage in the marketplace and state why you believe this to be true. Ans: Overall the best golf company in my opinion is definetly, Titleist. Also, below, I listed the best product for each category of golf equipment. Driver: Taylor Made super quad Irons: Titleist AP2 (leading irons on tour); Woods: 906F4’s; Hybrid: adams hybrids (leading hybrid on tour) Wedges: Titleist Vokey spin milled or 200 series (leading wedge on tour) Putter: any  Titleist Scotty Cameron  that fits you (leading putter on tour) Balls:  Titleist Pro V1  or Pro V1x (leading ball on tour and my personal favorites) Bag: Ping (they have outstanding long lasting quality bags! Glove: Titleist Yardage device: Bushnell Shoes: Footjoy (particularly Dry Joys) Grips: Lampkins or Golf Pride ( especially the dual density  lamkin grips) 4. Based on the company selected in the previous discussion, recommend how the company can ensure that its competitive advantage is sustained. a. Strong research and Innovation: The technology industry is one of the leading industries with res pect to  strong research and innovation. And when it comes to setting the pace using innovation as leverage;  Apple and Sony  are the two companies that have held their leadership position using innovation as a competitive advantage. b. Brand Popularity: Being recognized all over the world as a respected brand is a  sustained competitive advantage that companies such as Virgin, Apple and Coca cola  have used as leverage to hold the market sway for years. Virgin is a company that has used its brand name as leverage to break into new markets  in completely new territories. . Corporate reputation: Corporate reputation is  a form of sustained competitive advantage  that companies such as Price Waterhouse and Berkshire Hathaway have leveraged to become world class entities. d. Strategic assets: Holding strategic assets such as  patents is a strong source of sustained competitive advantage  and General Electric has stood the test of time because of the several patents held. Mind you that possession of these stra tegic assets has made  General Electric one of the most powerful companies in the world. e. High volume production: Dangote Group of companies became one of the leading conglomerates in Africa because of its ability to produce goods on high volume and ensure a uniform price throughout  Nigeria. f. Access to working Capital: Generally, public liability companies (quoted companies) have a  sustained competitive advantage over private companies because of their infinite capacity to raise capital from the public. Take a look at  how Oracle acquired 57 companies in a space of five years  and Reliance Industries investing a billion dollars in a single swoop to open a chain of retail stores. . Superior Product or customer support: IKEA has become a market leader in the furniture industry because of its ability to provide superior product at an affordable rate; backed by a strong customer support system. h. Flexibility: The ability to change swiftly is a  strength and source of sustained competitive advantage that Microsoft  leveraged upon to become the largest software company in the world. i. Low pricing: Wal-Mart as at the time of this writing is the most capitalized company in the world. Thanks to its low pricing strategy that became its strong source of competitive advantage. How to cite Competition in the Golf Equipment Industry, Papers